Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Devilish Dens for Demons

"Devilish Dens" by Anne Brown and Kevin Melka.

Printed and Distributed by Fast Forward Entertainment.

ISBN-10: 0-971-9598-3-8 -- 48 Pages.

A very short Intro and Table of Contents are combined on the first page, and the next two pages are about the owners of each of the dens, along with small pictures of the Demons that own them and a short paragraph about each one.

This small booklet contains a total of ten dens of iniquity for your players to explore. This book works best if you have "Encyclopedia of Demons and Devils 1" and/or "Encyclopedia of Demons and Devils 2", but neither is absolutely necessary.

The first of these dens is the home of Asmodeus! Even high level characters should think twice before entering there! Each of the ten adventures has four pages of detail, and a small map. None of these adventures are suitable for low, or even medium level, characters. Not to mention that each of these dens can be used as separate adventures! Each of these confrontations should serve well as almost a final chapter for the PCs. If battles occur, I suspect that each of these adventures could last much, if not all, of one session of gaming!

Ending this booklet are the usual Open Gaming License, and three advertisements.

I own both of the Encyclopedias, and I find this book to be an invaluable aid if my players have characters that are high enough level. Since these lairs are actually part of the plane of existence of each of the owners, they provide a way for my players to follow the demon that they may have dispelled on the Prime Material Plane to their home. But remember -- any damage done to them on the Prime Plane will be restored in their home, plus the demon has all of their spells again, and some even have new ways to approach any oncoming party that arrives by simply being on their home plane.

As you know I love Fast Forward, and recommend these books to prospective GMs!

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