Sunday, August 28, 2022


Farther south is the province of Hosira. Filled with deserts and desolate wastes, no better place could be found for the Arabian parallels that exist here. In the capital of Hosira is the center for all Æøæ's Muslim pilgrimages. There is a relic here, similar to the Ka'aba, which serves as the symbol and center of Muslim knowledge. Beautiful Mosques and towering Minarets dominate the skyline. The temple resembles the Mosque of Omar in Jerusalem, and the main palace bears a strong resemblance to the Taj Mahal of Earth. Unlike Earth, however, all sights are open to tourists as well as believers, and there are tours given by adherents to Islam who will attempt at least once to convert anyone who is not already Muslim. Nantarth El-Antaggrah makes a yearly pilgrimage to this site, and many devout Muslims from Tre’Volos will follow him.

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