Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Deities and Demigods of Aeoae - Thoth

The Thoth Temples are also known as the Temples of Death. This religion is one of the rare examples of a totally evil religion in the world. Thoth is the God of Death. He is mentioned, at least in passing, in most funerals in order to ward off bad luck. The Thoth Temple in Tre'Volos is kept from practicing human sacrifice, but other temples to Thoth are under no such restrictions. It would not bother Sedmon one bit if the Temple of Thoth in Tre'Volos would disappear tomorrow, although he would investigate its absence. Thoth is worshiped in a limited way almost anywhere on Æøæ, but whether this is due to a true desire to serve him or out of just plain fear, no one knows.

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