Thursday, July 21, 2022

Gomranth Province

6) Gomranth Province lies to the southeast of Tre'Volos.

The Pasha of Gomranth lives in Grimlion Castle, close to the center of "The Barrens." The castle is surrounded with vast plains, called "The Barrens" in common speech. It is much like a large Norman English castle. Numerous farms and fields of crops are grown in abundance near the protection of the castle.

Hundreds and thousands of Hoaries are here, where they are farmed for milk, meat, wool, and other products. A Hoary looks something like a combination of a sheep and a cow and several other Terran animals. Terrans would think they look a lot like a Llama, but bigger, fatter, and with shorter legs and a longer neck. Hoaries also have a total of six legs, three on each side.

The Province of Gomranth is the home of Southport, one of the two large seaports that serve Tre'Volos; as well as the home of the Fae City, commonly called "Fairy Gate", for the portal to the Fae Realms that exists there.

Baerraedine is a large plains area, home to many wild horses and other animals and monsters. The horses of Baerraedine are frequently harvested by Harcunai. These horses are broken to the saddle, trained, and later sold.

Hakarim is the upper city ruins that connects to a vast underground caves and caverns complex. The caves and caverns under Hakarim are thought to be endless. People exploring the underworld here have rarely returned.

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