Thursday, October 19, 2017

The Seventh Continent

If there was a board game that reminded you of the classic "Choose Your Own Adventure" books, or the old "Myst" series of computer games, look no further than The 7th Continent.  Now in it's 2nd Kickstarter campaign, the Black Box is already in my hands and I've looked at the rules, and basically know how to play.  (P.S.: Yes, there is a solo mode).  Wonderful board game that takes you on a trip to remove curses you receive at the beginning of the game. 

It's in the home stretch now, as there are only 8 hours left to pledge.  Please consider taking a look.

I feel fairly confident about this being at least Board Game of the Year 2017, but may make it even to the top 10 board games =ever=.  I love it, and I'm in for the Veteran Plus level and hope this message reaches a few of you before the deadline!


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