Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Jing is the word!

"The Grande Temple of Jing" by Danny O'Neill

Printed and Distributed by Hammerdog Games

ISBN-10: 1-59180-047-1 -- 500 Pages

The Grande Temple of Jing is probably one of the better mega-dungeon books available!

It's sixty (yes, I said 60!) levels and hundreds of traps, tricks, side quests, and monsters, make it a tough dungeon, but, since it seems to be run by an avatar of Loki (he's called "Jing" in this universe) one would expect this.

The temple gets its name from the unusual method of doing certain things, such as opening a door.

Nothing short of a nuclear bomb will open that door -- except... There is a slot on the door frame, just big enough for a coin. If you put a copper piece in it, a small "jing" (such as you would hear from an old type cash register) is heard. Something happens - and not generally what you want. A silver coin will produce a much more satisfying "Jing" noise, and generally has the effect you want. But a gold piece in the slot makes a very happy sounding, very loud "Jing!" and whatever you were trying to do is accomplished. That's the good news. The bad news is that everything else in the Temple knows you are there, and nearby monsters may descend on you as a pack!

The really interesting thing is that the entire complex was designed and built by a God! While adventuring in this temple, it is almost impossible to die! Jing will almost always bring you back to life! Don't forget, however, since this is a form of the Resurrection spell, your experience goes back to one XP lower than the top of your last level!

I couldn't help but fall in love with this. Mega-Dungeons have always appealed to me, and this one goes out of its way to please even the most sinister plans of any GM. I've been known to perplex characters with traps, tricks, riddles, and other playthings. But this book goes =way= beyond anything I've ever conjured up! One of my highest recommendations!

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