Sunday, May 1, 2022


Æøæ is a fantasy setting developed from a synthesis of materials. Most material is taken from various campaigns I have run throughout my 45 year career. Æøæ (from Eldish - "The World") is a place of high fantasy, swords, and sorcery. It has a lot in common with other fantasy worlds (such as Goblins, Orcs, Kobolds, Dwarves, Elves, etc.), and a lot different, but it is unique in that not only does it have the usual wilderlands adventures, dungeons, castles, evil mages, corrupt high priests, etc., but it is a world where characters can carve out their own little piece of the world without seriously hurting the mileau. Some of the creatures might seem familiar, but some have been changed. Not every creature is what you think you know.

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