Monday, May 23, 2022

Central Square and Eliwyn

Directly in front of the Parade Grounds entrance to the Emperor's Palace is Central Square. In the center of the square, on the ground, is an absolutely massive ring made of some strange metal. Within the center of the ring grows the tree that some have come to call "The World Tree", which is named "Eliwyn". No one has ever seen another one quite like it anywhere else. The "World Tree" towers over a hundred feet into the air, and is one of the largest trees known. It produces leaves that are as large as an elephant's ear. It also provides an unusual fruit which is given away in the square when in season. Although many have tried to grow the seeds elsewhere, all attempts have failed. The flowers from the tree are very fragrant, causing many birds and insects to come during the season. The flowers can be used to produce an almost intoxicating perfume.

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